23 July 2008

Week 4

I had a bit of a play with flickr and found some interesting things, but I think my favourite was this (found at http://www.flickr.com/photos/10565340@N04/1517899704/)

This is a picture of Sephiroth, the main villain from the Playstation game Final Fantasy VII. Specifically, it's the movie version of him, from the 2006 film.
Sephiroth is without a doubt the most eeeevil villain I've ever seen in a game or a movie. The first time I saw the film I couldn't believe how perfectly they'd managed the voice acting - it matched exactly what I'd imagined... which is so weird, because in the game he only speaks in text. He only appears for about ten minutes out of the film, but you anticipate him all the way through and he's fantastic when he arrives. The only thing this image doesn't show is that his eyes are supposed to be glowing...
On a more serious note, I also had a play with http://krazydad.com/colrpickr/ - a fun little application where you pick a colour from the chart and it shows you a range of pictures that use that colour.
My favourite technology right now is laptops. I just bought a new one after shopping around for a bit, so I'm having a good play with that and transferring stuff off my desktop via memory sticks.