29 August 2008

Moving to a new home

Okay. I've made a decision: I'll be using the LiveJournal account: http://seewaoffawa.livejournal.com

That one lets me be selective about whether to make things private or not, so when I have photos etc. I'll make it "friends only", but for general news I'll probably just leave it public.

The bonus is that you don't have to have an LJ account to read some of it. The downside is that if you want to see the whole thing you'll have to sign up for an LJ account (just like you did for the blogger account) and then get me to "friend" you. Then you'll have to log in when you want to see the private entries.

Of course, you don't have to post anything to your own journal on LJ - this is just so you have access. But if you do, I'll try to make sure you're on my watch list so I keep up with you, too. Please do "friend" me!

To get an account, go to www.livejournal.com and register. It's free, of course. If you get stuck, let me know, otherwise I'll "see" you there.

And as a teaser - I've put a photo of my new home up as a "friends only" post which you'll be able to see only if you do all of the above. (Hey, I'm not above a little bribery :P)

See you there!

27 August 2008

Counting down

Not long to go now and so very much to do. I'll be deleting my Web 2.0 content from this blog at the end of the week and then I'll use this either as my permanent blog, or to let you know where to look for my permanent blog.

I'm strongly considering shifting to LiveJournal, since it allows me to make some posts private and not others, whereas this one it seems to be all or nothing. Besides, I like the LJ interface. It does, however, make things a little more complicated for anyone who wants to read the "friends only" parts since you'll have to sign up for an LJ account -- yep, it's *another* login!

I'll let you know what I decide.

21 August 2008

I should mention...

...that I'm now trying to speed through the rest of the lessons to get this done before I leave. Which is why the entries are getting briefer, though I'm trying to keep to the 50 word minimum limit.

Once all this is done, I'll be keeping this blog active as a contact point for my Manukau Libraries friends although I might make it private - I'll let you know. If you're interested, drop a comment on this post and I'll make sure I get in touch.